Re: [FWDLK] The price of showing off your FWDLK car
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Re: [FWDLK] The price of showing off your FWDLK car

Now isn't this a kettle of fish.....that's been opened

Good words, Mike.  I understand and agree with your
expanded comments.  As an owner or past owner of
several 59 Plymouth Belvederes (all 59's, all 4dr, all
6cyl powerflite AT--it's a rut, but MY rut) I have
owned all bone stock cars until my current driver.  I
have also in the past contributed/asked questions, etc
on the group and had some quite unkind words spoken
about me(or even worse, my car) because it fits into
the "mildly customized" category.  Folks, the reasons
for customization can be many and varied.  In my case,
the old girl had been parked near a lake, parking
brake failed(question to come on that in another
email), and it wedged itself between two trees mere
feet from the lake, causing quite a bit of sheet metal
damage and destroying much of the trim on both sides.
Because of that, the vision for my car went from stock
to very little original chrome, fewer outside door
handles and some other minor changes.  Looks pretty
darn good to my eye, and it would have been just
another junker if I hadn't been able to do it this

It sounds like it was a shame to see a survivor
drastically changed from original in the show
mentioned, but too many on the group cast aspersions
on cars that wouldn't be on the road any other way.
That to me is the real shame.

It's all good folks--just remember, we aren't the ones
driving C***Y's--that's GOT to be worth something!
1959 Belvedere

--- Mike Sealey <[email protected]> wrote:
> As the guy who brought "mutilated" into the thread,
> I
> guess I should respond...
> It was not my intention to rip customs as an art
> form
> or as a generic class. I agree that many are
> beautiful
> and the level of work that goes into them is
> phenomenal. And I like to think I appreciate them as
> well as the next person.
> Where I have a problem is when the car being
> modified
> is a nice original, as opposed to something rougher
> that would require the work being done anyway,
> whether
> to original specs or to one individual's artistic
> vision.
> I have a good example, and maybe since it's
> non-MoPar
> passions might not run as high. I was at the Oakland
> Roadster Show, drooling over a beautiful '40 Ford
> convertible sedan, a model that isn't seen as a
> custom
> very often. I was totally blown away until I saw the
> "before" picture, which showed that the builder
> started with what looked to me with my limited Ford
> knowledge like a show quality original. My bubble
> was
> burst, my euphoria was shattered, I had to walk away
> in sadness.
> The level of work involved could just as easily have
> been spent on a basket case, indeed, converting a
> 4dr
> sedan would not have been that much of a reach
> beyond
> the level of modification the builder went to (and
> even with the extra steps needed would certainly
> have
> cost less). Had this been the starting point, I
> would
> have agreed, no harm, no foul.
> What it comes down to is that they aren't making
> these
> any more and that isn't going to change. Let your
> imagination run wild, but please respect nice
> originals. You can make a custom (or a full resto,
> for
> that matter) out of just about anything if you have
> the time and $ to do so, but originality can't be
> replaced at any cost.
> Just one man's opinion.
> Mike Sealey, San Francisco CA
> '57 Plymouth Sport Suburban (in need of resto)
> --- Brandie Hannon <[email protected]> wrote:
> > Ok Guys,
> >  Now I'm steamed...No, I'm downright pissed off.
> I
> > "mutilated" my Belvedere for me, and if I never
> win
> > a trophy with it even though I've spent a ton of
> > time on the car it's really no big deal. Maybe you
> > all look at a car that isn't stock and see it as a
> > shame, but you do really have to appreciate the
> > work, time, thought, and energy that those
> "rodders"
> > you hate so much have put into these rolling works
> > of art. I mean no disrespect to any of you who
> > choose to restore your cars to showroom
> condition-I
> > appreciate the time and energy that goes into the
> > restorations, but your time and energy isn't worth
> > more than my time and energy just because your car
> > is shiny and mine is primer.
> >
> > Just venting...
> > Brandie in California
> > "mutilated" 58 Belvedere KUSTOM!!
> >
> > P.S. BTW Mark- I think Mr.Finzzz kicks A**!!!
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