Re: [FWDLK] ice/metal
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Re: [FWDLK] ice/metal

Your story reminds my of one of my first cars, a 74 Ford Pinto.
This teenage wanna be hot rodder and several several friends were doing
donuts in the snow and ice left in a large parking lot. One of my friends
points out a large pile of snow and says drive through that, well it turned
out to be a pile of large rocks covered with fresh snow. WHAAAAM the Pinto
stopped dead in its tracks with the oil pan impaled by a sharp edged
boulder, oil streaming out onto the snow I did the only thing that seemd
logical at the time .. high tailed it the 2-3 miles back to my house before
all the oil ran out.
Lesson learned.

>From: John Bartell <[email protected]>
>Reply-To: John Bartell <[email protected]>
>To: [email protected]
>Subject: [FWDLK] ice/metal
>Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1999 20:19:24 -0600
>Hi all,
>         Well, here it is, only the first official day of Winter and I've
>it!  Those of you who have experienced a winter North of the Mason Dixon
>line, have seen the ice chunks that fall from cars as they lumber
>through the snow and slush.  We call them car turds.  Anyhow, I took my
>daughter out to lunch today, for one of those father daughter days, a
>little quality time.  After lunch we were on our way home, when I
>spotted one of these laying in the road.  Knowing that you should avoid
>hitting one of these, I thought I would show my little one how they blow
>apart when you hit one.  Of course then I would explain the "Don't do as
>I do," thing.  So I took aim, zeroed in and wham, I hit it square on.
>After the first thud, then the second with a bang, I knew it was more
>than ice I just hit.   After a very short distance up the road, I heard
>and felt the rumble of a flat tire.  It turned out to be ice covered
>metal of some sort, resembling a spring shackle.
>         We pulled over, took out the little "donut" spare, put the jack in
>place, grabbed the tire wrench and promptly broke off two studs.  Now I
>would like to claim that my Schwartzenegger strength was to blame, but
>below zero temps and layers of rust had gotten the best of it before I
>added all I could muster.
>         Well, a walk in the frigid air, a tow, and an hour and a half
>later at
>the repair shop, plus $93, I was once again on my way home.
>         So now that I have had a self induced, miserable winter experience
>the year, I am LOOKing FORWARD to spring..
>         Broke, bruised and embarassed, a Dad who learned his lesson,
>         John in WI
>ps: For those of you who must drive North of the Mason Dixon line, steer
>clear of the car turds, they may be an old Forward Look part in

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