The Firepower Silver that Dave Homstad recommends is a factory color match of the aluminum silver used by Chrysler starting with the 1951 Chrysler Hemi and is really the same silver all the way back into the 1930s. THIS IS the Mopar aluminum silver that is correct in tone and semi-gloss for our motors. I have used it over a high quality primer on numerous motors. If you are going to give the motor parts proper preparation anyhow, this paint will give excellent durability. I recommend it highly. Sure, for a car you are preparing for auction or Scottsdale it will not dazzle anyone. It just is CORRECT. Wayne ----- Original Message ----- From: Rimington, Ken <[email protected]> Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 1999 11:56 AM Subject: Engine Paint There are too many options for engine paint. I wish the choices were more simple. I need to paint my 1956 Dodge engine. Correct color is silver. The typical silver engine paints are flat and do not last long. I would like a silver semigloss or full gloss with both heat and chemical resistance so it will be easy to clean and last a good long time. I need to know what has worked well for others. options include, but are not limited to: Basecoat/clearcoat silver, POR 15 silver engine enamel, Hirsch engine enamel, etc. Which are the best or better choices??? |