Just catching up on these emails. Neil, I have a repair kit that I
bought from...Atlas, I think, still in the box. It is NOS or NORS if I
I converted my front U-joint to a conventional modern style a few years
ago, so I do not need this kit. You can borrow the boot for comparison
if you want. I can mail it to you. Or if someone wants to buy this
kit from me, lemme know... part # 817-016
Lou Eastern Sierra Adjustment Svc wrote: I've bought those re-popped dust boots, several times, now, and the disintegrated-remains on the car, now,is one of those 'worthless' re-pops.Even if the CV joint-guy goes bad, it's nice to know that a replacement piece is right at a local parts house, and that the replacement of that guy will not involve a lot of purchase-money, installation time,and installation CUSSING.Neil Vedder----and, ain't nobody ever gonna get so far under the car so as to notice what type of dust bootthat you are running. ************************************************************* To unsubscribe or set your subscription options, please go to http://lists.psu.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=l-forwardlook&A=1
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