Re: [FWDLK] Hub caps
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Re: [FWDLK] Hub caps

Hi Jack,
Its caused by all the vibrations that a rolling tire encounters.  Its happening on that one wheel because the gripper teeth on the hubcap that keep it to the wheel are not applying enough pressure (that cap goes on very easily, right?).  This may vary somewhat by design, but take a suitable pair of pliers and go around the cap bending the teeth out toward the wheel.  Reinstall.  If it still happens, do it again with more bend.  If STILL happens, then the teeth may be fatigued from years of on/ off. 
Then (or first) the answer is to take that wheel and have an all metal valve stem installed.  I did this on my Studebaker Avanti.
Occasionally, a problem cap will stay in place when put on another wheel.  That didn't work on my Avanti.
Also occasionally, someone in the past swapped in a non-matching wheel to the rest of the set from earlier years where the rim of the wheel was formed differently and simply does not accept a full hubcap.
Let me know what works.  Good luck.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jack Johnson [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2001 6:57 AM
Subject: Hub caps

To All,
    I have a question about full hub caps.  Not Forward Look cars, but related because of hubcaps.  I put a set of 50's Mercury full size caps on my Chevy van (It was the only set I found I had and didn't want to reuse the small ones that came with the old van-1985 van) and one is rotating on the rim.  I found it 2 times now up against the valve stem.  What caused this and how do I correct it?  Thanks in advance.
Jack in Shinglehouse, Pa where it is getting colder each day

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