Re: [FWDLK] Marv's Door Lock Quiz
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Re: [FWDLK] Marv's Door Lock Quiz

--- Marv Raguse <[email protected]> wrote:

> Here is a quiz..Why do Chrysler keys go in the
> cylinder with the "cut" up?

I have a friend who is a locksmith, who says the
bigger mystery is why do GM keys go in the cylinder
with the cut down... ...anyway, it's supposed to be
easier to deal with if a pin falls out.

The GM key thing is AFAIK exclusive to them and those
AMCs with similar Briggs & Stratton locks. I know back
when Ford did single-edged keys they did theirs with
the cut up also. Not sure the deal with pre-AMC
Hudsons or Studebakers but I know Nick Nichols can
tell us.

I just had to get new keys done for multiple vehicles
after my keyring was stolen. The new MoPar keys were
easy to cut, but the Jeep key required pulling the
steering wheel and taking the lock cylinder back to
the key shop...

Mike Sealey, San Francisco CA
'57 Plymouth Sport Suburban
'64 Chrysler 300-K 2dr Hardtop

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