In a message dated 08/26/01 12:03:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [email protected] writes: << Does someone know electronic speedometer like you find on PAW or Summit catalogs (VDO, Intellitronix, Auto meter) ? I think i need one of them because speedo of my 57 is "dead" >> Had the same run thru with my 56, in fact drove from Grand Rapids to Barie, Canada with a speedo working about 10% of the time. FUn, esp with speeds in KM in Canada. Anyhoo, finally solved the problem using a SportComp speedo from SUmmit Racing. It has a trip odo too. Size and text all look well in the 56 dash. Now if the 57 is the same size..... In fact I left the original plastic faceplate in place, simply put the entire new speedo behind it, OF course I had to drill the old clear plastic face for the new trip odo lever to pass thru. One could install in a conventional manner too. This is a 120 mph unit, they also had another face, cant recall if it was 80 or 160 mph!! The OD is 5", and cost was $115 US. Not cheap. Note this is an Auto Meter Brand, and it might be found in one of your local chain stores like AutoZone for less money. Electronic Speedo? I had a Prince Corp on board computer sold as an aftermarket which I used in a couple cars. It had an adapter that allowed the current speedo drive to remain and was basically a T that the electronic drive hooked to. Simple and no mess. Think most speedo shops would have the T adapter. In any case, good luck. LARS In scenic West Michigan USA |