Re: [FWDLK] Kilometers per hour speedos
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Re: [FWDLK] Kilometers per hour speedos

--- Wayne Graefen <[email protected]> wrote:

> Anyone on this list in South Africa???  Or other
> countries having KPH speedometers.

South Africa is no help on two counts:

(1) They still used mile speedos until about '70 (if
Brendan Milne is reading this he could probably come
up with the exact year);

(2) The RHD cars appear to have used just one
dashboard for all makes. From what I have seen, it
appears that all '57-'59s used a reversed '57-'58
Dodge dash, while the one pic I've seen of a RHD '60
DeSoto looked like it used the Plymouth instrumment

> I would like to find kilometers per hour speedos for
> my '57 and '60 Chryslers if possible.

There used to be a '57 Windsor in San Francisco with
Colombian plates. I'm assuming from the "250" max
reading on the speedo that all metric '57 Chryslers
used the 300-spec speedo (120 mph = about 200 kph,
while 150 mph = about 250 kph)...

Good luck, Wayne, it sounds like a worthy goal!

(The US supposedly adopted the metric system in the
1870s, but you can't prove it by some of our
measurements... ...President Gerald Ford called for
real adoption of the metric system as he was leaving
office in 1977, but with the exception of soft drink
bottles it doesn't seem to have taken hold...)

Mike Sealey, San Francisco CA
'57 Plymouth Sport Suburban
'64 Chrysler 300-K 2dr Hardtop

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