[FWDLK] Pertronics and Radio rebuilding question
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[FWDLK] Pertronics and Radio rebuilding question

Hello all ,abouth electronic ignition and for 55 6volt V8 positive ground?

Another question I am planning to visit Carlisle and Florida,a few years ago
I had my radio rebuild in Carlisle with a vendor specilizing in rebuilding
car radios,I heard it play when I collected it,but was it my Radio that was
I took it home and build it in my car ,it only makes a bzzzzz sound.
Does any one has experience with rebuilding his radio  or convert it to fm
,what I mean is that the outside is the same with a new insert.
I am planning to take my radio again and hope to make it work this time.
any suggestions or info appreciated,please email me at [email protected]
,greetings Dirk Brandwijk,Plymouth Belvedere 1955.

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