Have been "only-sorta" trying to sell my '55 Dodge for a while, but now "She Who Must Be Obeyed" has decreed that it shall go, or else. My question is this: I've noticed that many FListers seem to check out E-Bay, but has anyone actually sold anything there? I'm wondering what sorts of nonsense does one have to go through. I don't mean with the E-bay sales % and such, but with things like actually getting paid, getting the buyer to your location, etc. Anyone have any experience with this? I do have reservations at Hot August Nights in Reno and am thinking that may be a better place to sell the car. Any observations or advice? And yes, I know, it's not stock. (gasp, shudder, gulp). And no, keeping the car and losing the wife isn't an option.(am afraid that could prove to be a far costlier option!) Thanks, John 55 Dodge Royal Lancer http://netnow.micron.net/~jhassel/page3.html Too Darn Many other cars One Annoyed wife |
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