Have had in past problem too, both with WPC (only 50 miles south of me in Kzoo) and Plymouth Bulletin. Well I date mine most of time. I got the sept oct Ply bulletin on NOV 29!!! supposedly mailed last week in Oct. and just checking got my SEPT 99 WPC on NOVEMBER 11!!!!!!! prior to that the August on Sept 17 and dont think I have got a more recent one!!! ah me if others are in same boat suggest we all e mail the club in question. ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected]) We realize this is the h oliday season but November is not particularly so, and I believe the dues PAY for the mailing service? Lars Grrrrrrrrrrrand Raaaaaaaaapids Meeeeeeeeechigan copy the addresses given and sent off your query to the appropriate club... along with a 'Merry Christmas"? |