Re: [FWDLK] 55 Plymouth radios
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Re: [FWDLK] 55 Plymouth radios

---- Robert Bishop <[email protected]> wrote:

> The radios in my '55 Plymouths look the same but one has "Model 832" stamped
> on it and the other says "Model 836".  The 836 has a Philco tag that says
> "P5506".  Neither radio has a Mopar part number on it.
> My parts book shows two different radios for '55 Plymouth: a 6-tube model p/n
> 1604281 and an 8-tube model p/n 1604282.  The parts book does not give model
> numbers.
> Does anyone know which model numbers correspond with the 6-tube and 8-tube
> radios?  How do you tell a 6-tube from an 8-tube?

At the risk of sounding like a complete smarta$$, I seem
to remember the top cover coming off the radio easily,
at which time you could count tubes...

More seriously, the 8-tube would've been the more likely
of the two to have a signal-seek function, which on my
'56 (I believe same radio with 12v vibrator) had six
pushbuttons, the one on the left marked "search".  This
was definitely a Philco radio.  Most MoPar radios from
this era have the pre-FL MoPar logo (bars above smaller
letters), or sometimes the "DPCD" logo, stamped into the
case somewhere, at least in the States.  I've seen at
least one Canadian MoPar ('65 Valiant) with what looks
like a factory radio that was not offered in the States,
so I assume this could've been possible in the '50s as

"832" and "836" do sound like MoPar radio model numbers.
I don't believe a higher number denotes a more expensive
radio, but I could be wrong.

Another great resource would be Sams manuals (Sams is a
last name, no apostrophe).  I was told Sams did a manual
for any OEM car radio in existence, and having found a
Sams service manual for a '67 AMC Marlin AM-FM, I would
assume this to be true.  I found mine in the local
library, but they may now be available on the Net (I
haven't looked).

Hope this helps.

Mike Sealey

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