55 Imperial
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55 Imperial

Two things are key to this. One is that the fuse must be the correct strength. 
For the radio it probably is around 15 to 20 amps. The other thing is that in 
the '55 Imperial, the fuse is contained in a plastic in-line fuse holder. The 
holder is designed to take a certain physical size of fuse. It must fit in the 
holder, and the holder must be able to close correctly. There is a spring 
inside the holder that allows the ends of the fuse to make contact with the 
inside of the fuse holder. Usually, the fuse that fits the holder is the one 
that belongs in it.

It might be possible to fit an incorrect amp fuse in that holder so be careful. 
An incorrect amp fuse would either blow too easily because the "number" is too 
low (say a 10 amp fuse instead of a 15 amp fuse), or it wouldn't blow when it 
should, thus allowing damage to the radio or a possible overheating of the 
wiring if there was a short. In this case nothing will go wrong unless there is 
a short. Shorts can happen though, so you need the correct fuse.

My '55 Imperial is in storage, so I can't look at the manual at this moment to 
tell you what the fuse should be. I am thinking it is 15 amps. First find out 
the correct amps from the owner's manual or someone on the list, then buy a 
selection of fuses from your local auto parts and find one with that number 
that will fit the fuse holder. If the fuse holder is gone (some have been cut 
out of the line) you should find out the correct fuse, and then buy a fuse 
holder from the local auto parts store to install in the line. They are still 


 In a message dated 8/24/2004 12:29:54 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
<timhulse@xxxxxxx> writes:

>Does anyone know what type of Buss fuse to use in the 55 Imperial Radios? My 
>question is I guess is would it be a special fuse as in 6-volt fuse vs 12-volt 
>fuze or is there such a thing as a 6-volt buss fuse.
>55 Imperial sedan
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