As i worked under my car today, i checked the propeller shaft angles with a "home made" tool. Since the beginning (2 1/2 years) i've a (not good !) vibration, exactly between 40 and 45 mph (and another at 80 but i don't run the car often at such speed). The vibration occurs every time i'm between the two values, if i'm in accelaration or deceleration phases.
Itsn't a very hard vibration but it is noticeable so i think about two problems (wheels are ok):
- unbalanced prop. shaft
- problem of working angles.
But FSM (and service reference books) are not very clear : i've measured the two (rear) angles, what do you think of them ? ( http://www.ifrance.com/accf-cad/imagfor/prop.jpg ). The service book says ( http://www.imperialclub.com/Repair/Lit/Master/114/page13.htm and other pages) "not over 3� " ... Seems that i'm higher ! I've verified that the two prop. shafts are "in line" with the "O" mark which is indeed rather not noticeable ..
Must install "tapered shims" ? Where i can find them ? Is these shims only a "wedge" of 2� angle ?
I think that i've rather an unbalanced prop. shaft condition but perhaps you have some infos
Philippe COURANT (Pau, France)- Webmaster des sites ACCF et C-I-F
Imperial 1957 Crown convertible
Buick 1996 Roadmaster wagon
- American Car Club de France (ACCF) : http://www.accf.com
- Chrysler Imperial France (C-I-F) : http://www.ifrance.com/c-i-f
- Cadillac " Standard of Excellence " : http://www.ifrance.com/accf-cad
- SportsCars : http://www.ifrance.com/accf-sprtcar