rear axle angles (57 Imp)
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rear axle angles (57 Imp)

It is my guess that you took your car completely apart for the restoration.
If you did, then maybe you took your two driveshafts apart when you did?
If so, did you mark them and re-assemble as they were when they came off the car?
They were balanced at the factory to go together one way, and only one way as far as I know.  Is it possible that you re-assembled them in a different way than originally?  Is this what you mean by "being inline with the O mark"?  I am assuming that this is what you're talking about, but if not would be the first thing to look at.
If it is correct, I would look at balancing wheels first, as they should be balanced anyway, and they are easy and cheap to do by comparison to the driveshaft. 
I will also assume that your driveshaft bearing isolator that holds the driveshaft in a bearing in the middle is OK?  Check that by pulling and pushing with light on it to inspect?  Probably not that.

Philippe Courant <accf-club@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
As i worked under my car today, i checked the propeller shaft angles with a "home made" tool. Since the beginning (2 1/2 years) i've a (not good !) vibration, exactly between 40 and 45 mph (and another at 80 but i don't run the car often at such speed). The vibration occurs every time i'm between the two values, if i'm in accelaration or deceleration phases.
Itsn't a very hard vibration but it is noticeable so i think about two problems (wheels are ok):
- unbalanced prop. shaft
- problem of working angles.
But FSM (and service reference books) are not very clear : i've measured the two (rear) angles, what do you think of them ? ( ). The service book says (  and other pages) "not over 3� " ... Seems that i'm higher ! I've verified that the two prop. shafts are "in line" with the "O" mark which is indeed rather not noticeable ..
Must install "tapered shims" ? Where i can find them ? Is these shims only a "wedge" of 2� angle ?

I think that i've rather an unbalanced prop. shaft condition but perhaps you have some infos



Philippe COURANT (Pau, France)- Webmaster des sites ACCF et C-I-F

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