Hi Greg, If nobody else has this problem, I would suspect it's your Hotmail. I also read from Hotmail, and I've been receiving multiple and/or delayed digests from several sources, including a Listserv in San Jose, the IML list and Yahoo! Groups. Methinks I'll be switching to another free mail provider like Yahoo!. Tim --------- From: "Greg Graham" <gregtx@xxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: IML: Non Imp related - Mailing List duplicates? Date: Wed, 12 May 2004 11:26:22 -0500 Reply-To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Has anyone else been receiving duplicate IML lists in Digest form?� The Digest list that I just received was just sent to me for the 5th time today.� They've been identical each and every time, and about an hour apart each.� I haven't changed any of my preferences for the mailing list in eons. Imp related:� Does anyone have contact information for the company that makes rocker and/or quarter panel repair panels for a '67?� Thanks, Greg _________________________________________________________________ Check out the coupons and bargains on MSN Offers! http://youroffers.msn.com