A/C (R134) on '57 Imperial
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A/C (R134) on '57 Imperial

The amount of R134 you put in there sounds about right if the original R12
was only 3 pounds.   Verify that is the correct amount, though, because it
sounds very low to me.  See if there is a metal tag on the compressor which
tells you how much R12 was supposed to be in there - I remember more like 4
or even 4.5 pounds for those old systems.

Your system should have a sight glass - if it does, see if it is running
clear, or if you see suds going past the window - if you do, you could
probably safely charge it a little higher.  Watch those pressures, though,
don't exceed 275 PSI on the high side, hot day, system running at maximum

Dick Benjamin
----- Original Message -----
From: "Philippe Courant" <accf-club@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "Fwdlk" <L-FORWARDLOOK@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, June 28, 2003 10:28 AM
Subject: IML: A/C (R134) on '57 Imperial

> Hi,
> Ther's already a ton of messages about conversions R12 - R134 (see
> http://www.imperialclub.com/Repair/Air/refit.htm) so i don't need an
> advise or "if it works" but just a fact:
> what should be the filling charge with R134 if my '57 FSM says 3 pounds
> (of R12)  ?
> I've charge the system with 134 (yes, i've change oil with lot of
> problem: need to remove the V2 compressor oil sump and had after a lot
> of leaks with "home made" gasket. Bought one new from
> CollectorsAutoSupply, no leaks now .. I've also put correct fittings,
> new drier and .. that's all !). I've put around 2 1/4 pounds (someone
> said that you must charge to 75 - 80 % of the old R12 charge), the
> system works but the air is not very cold, just refreshed...
> Not sure if the system will last long (rubber hoses ?) but the "red
> necks" at meeting are on their as.. when i say "yes, in 1957, US cars
> had A/C and it still works .."
> In France we've now A/C cars, yes, since .. 10 or 15 years !!! So when
> you say that a fifty years car have AC they don't believe you (until
> they see the compressor..)
> I also understand why convertibles have been "killed" by A/C. Today, 90�
> F (very hot for France !), driving in town, so i kept my (soft)top up
> and put A/C on ...
> --
> Philippe COURANT (Pau, France)- Webmaster des sites ACCF et C-I-F
> Imperial 1957 Crown convertible
> Buick 1996 Roadmaster wagon
> - American Car Club de France (ACCF) : http://www.accf.com
> - Chrysler Imperial France (C-I-F) : http://www.ifrance.com/c-i-f
> - Cadillac " Standard of Excellence " : http://www.ifrance.com/accf-cad
> - SportsCars : http://www.ifrance.com/accf-sprtcar

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