That looks cheap compared to what I had to pay for oversize pistons for my '29 L*80,
two firms claimed to be able to supply, JP in Australia and Egge... when It came to try to buy some....JP tried to say it was a 4 cylinder....and the dimensions bore no relation to reality...they asked for a pattern which I supplied... then said they couldnt help... and tried to charge me carriage to return my pattern.....if I had relied on their catalogue they would have sold me totaly the wrong thing!... Egge looked more hopeful....but when i tried to place the order...for pistons they had claimed to have in stock.. they wanted a 50% premium for oversize and 6 months delivery time....As I live in England I was'nt too happy../ so ended up having them made as 6 off...cost about �100 each...c. US$160... which is probably what the Egge pistons would have cost by the time I had paid carriage import duty and tax!..Incidently the firm who made them was able to atapt a pattern they had for pistons they made for Post war Rolls-Royce.