some how the kit cars have DMV registration showing the year they are built to look like, On Friday and Saturday nites the cops basicly shut down Erie Blvd. >From: Jim Gathmann <jim_gathmann@xxxxxxxxx> >> >Wonder if that year cut off limits home-made cars (kit >cars) which may only be a few years old... > >Oh well, guess I won't be able to get my current car >into the Syracuse 'Nats... Mopar 'nats would still let >me in though. > >If its first come, first serve, might be a cool idea >to get everyone going with imperials to show up at the >same time, thus allowing them to be near each other. >Just a thought. > >How were the cops reacting to the faster cars this >year? Last year all of my friends were ticketed by the >first night (due to Erie... good thing radar detectors >are legal in NY). Reminds me- anyone know what the >legal limits in NY are for window tint? > >Would be cool though if all the imperials next year >ended up right near each other... (or at least I would >think so!). >--- DR CHALLENGER <drchallenger@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > it is not a judged show, parking is by first > > come/first served. No classes. > > Year cut off is car must be 25 years old. > _________________________________________________________________ Join the world�s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.