Here�s a good question for you all. Power Door Locks! In my �69 the locks will unlock but will not lock. I downloaded the factory repair manual that I found on this web sight. The voltage all checks out per the manual. I wired the one solenoid backwards in one door. I can now get that solenoid to lock but not unlock. So, I think my solenoids are all working and in proper adjustment. Voltmeter check shows I am only getting power to the normal unlock side of the solenoids. I found the double relay on the right side in front of the passenger door. I can hear both the lock and unlock relays "ping" when I push or pull the lock button. My guess is that the "lock" relay is bad. I saw that these two relays are joined together. What are the possibilities of finding a factory style replacement? How about any aftermarket relays that would work? Is there a way to "repair" this one bad solenoid?
Thank in advance! John