hot starter (392 CI)
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hot starter (392 CI)

As usual i think that Dick is right ! My engine is set with more
advance than factory (10 - 12 � advance) and someone told me that
it's perhaps why i has some troubles to crank the (hot) engine.
i'll test the draw current (at cold and hot starter). The FSM
says that current should not exceed 150 A with warm engine and
battery (problem is to find the right amperemeter.. or to use a
"amperemeter plier", don't know the right word !) and that the
voltage between + post of battery and + of starter should not
exceed 0.20 v per 100 A of current.
If this voltage exceeds 0.20 v / 100 A: high resistance (loose
connections; burned switch contacts)
High current (> 150 A) + slow cranking speed = starter should be
removed and repaired ..
Low current + slow cranking speed = resistance in solenoid switch
, loose brush or soldered lead starter (worn brushes or burned

Philippe COURANT (Pau, France)
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