There are numerous vendors listed in Hemmings that sell old license plates, and many specifically indicate they have Maryland plates. I can't speak to the process the MD DMV may have as to the restrictions on their use. I believe that MD permits year of manufacture (YOM) plates to be used. Through a vendor in New York, I located a 1959 District of Columbia plate. Unfortunately he only had one, but DC plates are pretty scarce, not to mention trying to find one for a particular year. DC does not permit YOM plates to be used, but that wasn't going to stop me. I requested and got a personalized new plate with the same letter/number sequence as that on the '59 plate. Now I have the new plate with the registration stickers on the back of the car, and the vintage plate on the front. I've never been questioned. Neal Herman 1959 Imperial Crown 1972 Buick Riviera 1983 Chrysler Cordoba On Wed, 27 Mar 2002 08:54:35 -0500 Jason Slaten <jasonslaten@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: HEY ALL, I WAS WONDERING....HOW HARD WOULD IT BE TO GET AN AUTHENTIC 1971 LICENSE PLATE FROM MD THAT WAS ISSUED OUT TO DRIVERS IN 1971???... DOES ANYONE KNOW OF A PLACE OR SOMEONE WHO HAS HISTORIC LICENSE PLATES..NOT COVERS OR FRAMES FOR THE PLATES...BUT ACTUAL LICENSE PLATES FOR A STATE????... I WAS TOLD THAT IF I FOUND THE PLATE FOR 1971 I COULD HAVE IT REGISTERED IN MY NAME AND DRIVE WITH THEM ON MY '71 IMPERIAL... IF ANYONE KNOWS, PLEASE SEND ME A MSG...NO MATTER HOW FAR AWAY... _________________________________________________________________ Join the world�s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.