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has anyone ever used one of the short finders that harbor freight sells.  The description sounds good if it works.


  Mike Pittinaro <mechimike@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Note #2: Most Multi-meters are not designed to have
> current sent thru them
> when they are set on the OHMS setting. At least mine
> is that way. You might
> want to unhook your Imps battery just in case.

I once was "ohming out" a suspect circuit on one of my
cars and when I hooked up the digital ohm-meter one
way it would read infinite ohms, and the other way
(switching the positive and negative leads) it would
read 0.00 ohms. This drove me batty until I realized
what was happening- there was a voltage external to
the battery (which was disconnected) being generated
in the circuit...in my case, it was caused by a stereo
amplifier I had in the trunk.

Digital Ohm-meters can lie. Sometimes the old
analogue style needle meters are better. But, as
always, a knowledge of the wiring of your car and a
dose of common sense are your best weapons.

--Mike Pittin aro

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