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From: Lee Lopes
Email: [email protected]
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Date: November 13, 2003
Hi Hank and everyone. I found your info on the 57 A-466 Torqueflite TC and called CVC (consolidated Vehicle Converters) here in Dayton OH. I spoke to the fella that rebuilt my powerflite. His name is Al. He is the older guy that knows the old stuff. He told me that they didn't have any more supplies to do a torqueflite TC rebuild and that the hub that they need to cut off has to be fabricated to replace. He also said that they can still rebuild the powerflite TC's as they still have parts for them. Then he told me that the reason he sends everyone to Jasper Transmission in Indiana is that they still have a parts inventory to rebuild the TC that you need done. Anyway, Sorry Hank, I tried, but if they don't have any parts, they cant rebuild. If you have a powerflite TC they'll do it. So anyway, it looks like Jasper is your best bet.