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Re: Block #'s

From: chuck lowe
Email: [email protected]
Remote Name:
Date: September 17, 2003


CANMAN:::this is the reason i pushed so hard for you to scrape paint and look to find those STAMPED numbers---yes P318-is a 60-318---that number makes it year specific---the casting number doesn't convey that---this block was cast from 57-64---for three different engines 318-301-326---now you can full steam ahead---distributor---info i have been into leads me to believe that any 273-318-340-360 LA dist.will fit a poly---i have a rebuilt dual point from a 69 340---this one was made to 73---one curious question---why in the world would anyone sand blast a block---aaannnddd !!!!---there are very people in this world i permit to call me by any other name than chuck-my MOM-and my CLOSE friends of which by my choice i have few(i don't like to be beholding to people)---we will see if you fit the latter---not living far apart we will get together some time---i would really like to see your car and slop some of that moonshine---hope i helped---chuck lowe


Last changed: March 03, 2024