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Remembering Sept 11, 2001

From: Herman Parker
Email: [email protected]
Remote Name:
Date: September 11, 2003


I apologize in advance for this posting. I know it's not intended for anything other than that related to Finned Mopars. I am compelled to do so because I see so many who have already forgotten how they felt that day and the patriotism displayed everywhere that has now all but disapeared. In the first few months I was never so proud to be an American, yet in recent weeks, I am totally disapointed in a lot of my fellow citizens, city, state and national leaders. I find self interest, greedy lawyers and attempts at political gain at the expense of those who died, the families affected, and our troops risking their lives on our behalf to be disgusting at best. A British group today celebrates the 19 hijackers as "Heros of Islam" and call them "The Magnificent 19". I arrived at work at 7:15 as I had thousands of times. I opened up the shop and turned the tv to MSNBC to expecting to catch the latest round of "Bush bashing" and what the response from the White House would be. President Bush was at an elementary school in Florida, reading to children, promoting his Education Initiative. Just like it was yesterday, I recall the look on his face at being told of the attack on the twin towers. As events started to unfold, I recall being struck by the magnitude of what was happening and it kept building as if it would never end. When first struck, there were an estimated 35,000 people in the twin towers alone. By the time the towers collapsed, a plane was down in Pennsylvania and the Pentagon had been hit as well. How the death toll stopped at only 3,000+ is a miracle in itself. As the days wore on, the only comfort for me was the leadership displayed by the president and the mayor of New York City - both considered lightweights, heartless and incompetent. I want the photo of President Bush, holding the shield of a dead NY policemean, during his address to the nation. Only Ruters UK has it and is not available for sale in the US?? I'm also still looking for the photo of President Bush, standing on the rubble with a bullhorn, assuring fireman that "...and the people who knocked these buildings down will be hearing from us real soon". I finally found the official website ( a few months later who sells the photo of the FDNY firemen, raising the flag in the rubble. I hung one in my office and a poster sized photo in the shop. Those who have forgotten should listen carefully to the words of a song written and sang by Darell Worely - "Have You Forgotten?" Why the photos, the flag pin I wear everyday or the flags at the shop and at home? I DON'T WANT TO FORGET! Remember the spirit of the passengers who took the plane down in Pennsylvania - "LET'S ROLL" Some things in life are more important than self. God bless America. Herman


Last changed: March 03, 2024