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Maxing a 318 poly help

From: Dean
Email: [email protected]
Remote Name:
Date: July 02, 2003


As a relitive new comer to the world of these awesome cars and always impressed with the knowledge I see here I'm hopeing that perhaps there might be some suggestions out there that will lend me in the right directions. I recently purchased a 58 Belvedere [Christine clone]. When I got it she had a 2x4 intake but when I tracked down one of the previous owners to get some information on what he did to the engine he told me the engine was a factory stock 318 that came with a 2 barrel. To his knowldge nothing else was done to the engine except the addition of the 2x4 intake. Sooo, here's the question. What can be done to bring this engine up to maximum performace. I have done some research on the differences of the V-800 and the Dual V-800, cam, compression ect but thought there might be some of you that have been down this road and could suggest the right direction to rebuild this great engine into a top preformer. I had a 58 Bel. in 1963. I paid $500 for her and blew the engine and sold her $50. 40 years later the car I was in love with when I was a kid is now in my garage and I would like to bring up to the standard she deserves to be. Thanks for taking the time to read this rather long post and for any help or advise you have. Regards, Dean


Last changed: March 03, 2024