
Re: air conditioning/freeze yer puiteties off this time of year!

From: alumcan
Email: [email protected]
Date: October 28, 2001


So you were involved in the news reporting of the infamous 7 were you? You're out there next to Daven Anderson, the 1961 guy. Ok, since you have allready talked to several aftermarket AC/heat/def companys, then they know more than I do. All I can relate is what I have done, and since only the motor in the DeSoto Rod is in the Fwd Lk catorgory, not the body, I can not tell you or anyone else what is involved in installing dual Air/heat in a Fwd Lk body. Since both of these catalogs that I went and borrowed are in the early to mid '90's I figured that by now someone made a custom unit for the Fwd Lk MoPars. The Air Teaque book only lists the newest MoPars at 1932 tru 1950. The Vintage Air people I guess don't want to 'soil their hands' on any MoPars, because the only thing they list in their book, is a radiator for '42 to '48 Plymouths. Anyway, here are the 'vitals' for each company, in case someone needs them. Vintage Air 10305 I.H 35 North San Antonio, Texas 78233 210-654-7171 1-800-to-cool-u. Air-Tique 209 Kimbely Drive Cleburne, Texas 76031 817-641-6933 (no 800 # listed) Sorry, Bob I couldn't help you that much. But installing a air condition in a tracor trailer or a cardboard box is all the same. If you want to go with a rear unit, like your buddy did, I can show you the correct way to do that. Later
