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Re: New Guy just joined

From: Frank J. Worsham, Jr.
Email: [email protected]
Date: April 04, 2001


Hello George, Yes your radio does have tubes. If it is not a search tuner type it probably has four tubes and one output transistor. If you have a service manual for your car the schematic will be inside the radio section. Look up your model usually inked on the radio chassis outside, if ink is gone, look on the inside of the radio by removing bottom cover. Should have a paper inside it on the cover. Before you fire it up hook the original speaker to it.If not use a 4ohm speaker.3.2 ohm is the correct impedance for the radio but might be hard to find. Then hook 6-volts to it. Do this for about a minute or so. If you see no smoke bring it up to 12 volts and hook an antenna up. Usually they hold up O.K. over the years. If it doesn't work post a note on the discussion board and I'll help you out.


Last changed: March 03, 2024