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From: joe
email: [email protected]
Date: February 29, 2000
Time: 17:41:57


Installed the new spindle assembly this morning it would appear to be to some a bolt on swap although I am still a little aprehensive. I'm pulling it back apart tonight and Mic it to see if I can replace my 59 ball joints with the swap as well nothing like after thought. The replacement spindle has a shorter knucle by about 1" . To stay with the origanal tie rod end outer am going to mill off somthing around .125" do to the new knucle being thicker by that, will mic and machine to match the orignal thickness. The same will apply to the ball joints if the replacements are not a match for the arms. the brake line flex holder had to be relocated to the back side of the spindle because the callipers are in the rear of spindle. All and all it's looks pretty clean so far will let you all know what the numbers are tomorrow .


Last changed: March 03, 2024